Last month we actually debuted East Hawaii's showing of an awesome documentary called Heart of a Soul Surfer. This documentary follows the friends and family of Bethany Hamilton, the Kauai surfer who suffered the loss of her arm after a shark attack. Most people remember hearing this story in the news, I sure do.
It was an awesome documentary! And thanks to the producer of this movie who sent us tons of fliers and handouts to make this showing possible.
I have to tell you the crazy story behind this night.
After we had set up posters at the colleges, towns, and coffee shops advertising this free Dinner-and-a-Movie, we found ourselves without the DVD about 6 hours before the showing.
All the Film and Justice crew searched their houses, cars, etc.. GONE
Then Noelle had the wild idea to have the DVD sent to our island from Kauai. (yeah right) By airplane. (yeah right) In <6 style="font-weight: bold;">Awesome night, and thanks to everyone that made food, and a huge thanks to Becky who sent the DVD and to Aloha Airlines for their kokua!